Wheel Balancing & Tire Mounting

Why mount and balance new tires?

Don’t Slip Up When Replacing New Tires

At Tires Plus, we can take care of your balancing and mounting needs. Our technicians know that when you buy two tires, it’s important that the new ones are always installed in the rear. The worn tires can be moved to the front. By putting the new tires with deeper tread on the rear axle, you provide your vehicle with better resistance against hydroplaning and prevent losing control on wet, slippery roads.

When you purchase new tires for your vehicle, it’s important to refer to your vehicle manufacturer’s tire replacement and application recommendations. You can find this information in the owner’s manual and tire information placard.

The Importance of Mounting & Balancing New Tires

When you invest in a set of new tires or wheels, one of the experts at Tires Plus will mount and balance them. The mounting process is pretty straightforward. It means putting the tires on the wheels and putting those wheels on the axles. The balancing process can be a bit more complex, but it needs to be done any time your tires are repaired or rotated.

When a wheel is “balanced,” the mass of the wheel and tire is evenly distributed all around the axle. In other words, there are no sections of the tire or rim that are heavier than other sections. A wheel can become unbalanced from damage or imperfection in the rubber or other materials. When it becomes unbalanced, you’re in for a bumpy (and even noisy) ride.

Trust the Tires Plus Team to Mount & Balance Your Tires

Driving your vehicle with an improper mix of tires, improperly mounted tires, or unbalanced tires can be downright dangerous. Your vehicle’s handling characteristics can be affected which can lead to accidents, serious personal injury, and even death. Don’t trust just anyone with this important task. Trust the experts. Schedule an appointment or visit your local Tires Plus to make sure your ride is pleasant, smooth, and most importantly, safe.